Health & Safety

At Metsec Cables, the health and safety of our employees, clients, and stakeholders are of paramount importance

We are dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure working environment, adhering to the highest standards of health and safety practices across all our operations. Our commitment extends not only to our team members but also to the communities we serve and the environment we impact.

Metsec is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, their families, communities, customers, contractors and visitors. It considers health and safety in every decision it makes and nay activity it performs in order to achieve healthy life styles and injury free work places.

Therefore, our main objectives are:

  • Place health and safety as everyone’s responsibility in our Company.
  • All work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses will be prevented and controlled by identifying and controlling the risks.
  • Ensure all employees understand the value of maintaining a healthy and safe environment by activity participating an all elements of health and safety.
  • Attain health and safety of our employees in order to create a competitive advantage.
  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures in order to form the foundation of a successful, health and safety management system.
  • Health and safety management will be based on continuous assessment to improve the processes and procedures.

The Executive Management will provide the necessary resources to implement the above mentioned objectives and ensure that all workers from Junior Staff to Senior Management place health and safety as their prime responsibility.